About me and the site

I'm An. Often referred to as Egg, and occasionally "fucking pothead" or "demon".

Made in Canada, living in Vietnam. Daddy was a fisherman and mommy raised me on spaghetti puttanesca1, which is why I now engage in fatherless behaviour such as getting piercings below my face and having sex without the intent of carrying on my bloodline.

On paper I am a professional illustrator, which currently doesn't make me any money. In practice, I'm a standup comedian, which also doesn't make me any money—but it did earn me a giant glass dildo at a comedy competition in 2021.aNd tHat'S sOmeThInG mOnEy caN't bUy

Brain Soup

Like many people nowadays, I have a severe case of nostalgia for the "old web" that I grew up with.2 Before it got neutered by ads, SEO, and corporate homogeneity, the WWW felt more like a chaotic wet market or bazaar than the soulless mega mall that it's become now. Websites were as fun to explore as they were ugly. You used to actually surf the web, and the exciting part was not knowing whether you'd end up swimming with the dolphins, or smashing your face on some coral. Anything was possible.

This website is an attempt at creating my own lil pocket in cyberspace to revive some of that experience, which is why you might notice that there's not much cohesion here in terms of content and purpose, hence the name Brain Soup. This is where I can dump the omnidirectional ideas that swirl around inside my ADHD-laden brain like a perpetual stew. It's a modular construction of things I find fun or interesting at any given moment, meaning that much like a perpetual stew, I'll be adding and removing things sporadically (while still keeping it tasty).

Now kick off your shoes and make yourself at home. Leave me a note on the fridge while you're at it.


  1. It means whore.1
  2. Through the snow, uphill, both ways, with an onion on my belt2