A Resurrection

Hi, hello. It’s been 1 year, 9 months and 5 days since I first launched this site, and as predicted in the welcome post, it didn’t take very long for my commitment to it to fizzle out (only 18 days!) It’s been long enough that in the time between this update and my last post, I could have birthed not just one, but two babies of my very own. What a terrible thought.

An example of my roommate’s penchant for dramatics

What happened instead:

  1. Allowed the yin to my yang of a friend (i.e. an ultra hyper, dangerously chaotic, very gassy teenager) move into my 25 square metre apartment and live with me for nearly a year – discovering that I have the patience of a monk in the process.

  2. A slew of comedy shows, including a couple of roast battles, and a comedy competition in which I performed with my fly down for the entirety of my set. I won one of the roast battles at least. (It helps to reference the STIs that everyone already assumes your opponent has.)

  3. Finally bought my own motorbike and got my bitch-ass to dive right into the deep end of navigating Vietnamese traffic. Accidents were had. My Honda Dream prevails.

Last, but not least, I got myself a proper job for the first time since moving abroad and was finally able to save some money. Not bad! Unfortunately, my ever-reliable brain stayed true to its pattern of burning out after a year of consistent work, so I threw in the towel and said bye-bye to a solid job as a teacher. As Morrissey famously sang: I was looking for a job and then I found a job / And heaven knows I’m miserable dissociating regularly now.

A student's writing on a whiteboard that reads "I love you Ms. An"
You don’t, but that’s sweet anyway.

Did I make a massive mistake by quitting? Who knows. It was a draw between having a stable income and a stable mind, and in an unprecedented move I decided to put my menty helf first for once.

Uhhh An you haven’t left your apartment in a month and you’re out of toilet paper–

Yeah well I don’t have panic attacks anymore either. Shut up. Anyway, here we are now. After weeks of doing nothing but sit in front of/under my laptop, chainsmoking, and going to pee every 10 minutes (UTI?), I’ve finally completed my resurrection of this ol’ thing.

I’ve revamped some things and will be adding a bunch more new content in the coming weeks, including reviews of some niche perfumes that I managed to rabbit-hole into not long ago. Now, if you’re thinking that a perfume review doesn’t sound all that interesting, I’d say I was with you on that. Unless it was for something totally off-the-wall, like a perfume that smells of motor oil or cement or something?

Ha ha, well wouldn’t you know it? Those actually are a thing. And I’ve already tested and reviewed enough of them to warrant their own page here. I keep saying “review,” but that’s not quite the correct word to convey what I’ve been writing. It’s just a lot quicker to say than “a brief but extremely specific description of the archetype/persona this scent conjures up for me.” They’re already available as a series of very well-received posts on r/indiemakeupandmore but I plan on sifting through them for my favourites and then posting them here in a more structured format.

I had no specific direction in mind when I created this blog originally, but I did think at the time that I’d be more focused on bloggidy-blog-personal-diary-deep-thoughts type of posts than anything else. Now I’m thinking of departing from that a little bit, allowing myself to expand into a wider variety of content to cover things that aren’t necessarily personal. Because god knows I do enough introspection/thinking about my own thoughts already.

Maybe I’ll share my self-imposed poverty recipes. Or “misadventures in the Bash shell.” “Things I learned while trying to reverse the polarity of my power adapter using cheap solder.” Basically, more kitchen-sink content and less content that will get felt cute might delete later’d.

Or maybe I should stop thinking about it so much and keep doing what I’m already doing: Post first. Expunge later.

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